Today I glanced up at the news and saw that Donald Trump was having a rally in New Mexico. As required by Campaign Law, The Donald was backed up by a sea of red, white, and blue supporters. Nothing new.
Then I saw it: The Christians for Trump t-shirts. Not just any Christians for Trump t-shirts, but shirts with with a verse of scripture, presumably because this verse of scripture calls us to vote for Donald Trump.
Side note: If you are a Christian and you are an enthusiastic, rally attending, sign waving Donald Trump supporter, I have some ideas to discuss with you over coffee some time, but this post isn’t aimed at you. It’s aimed at your Stumpin for Trumpin brethren who are putting a scripture verse on their Trump t-shirts.
But what could be wrong with The Good Book on a Trump shirt? After all, the scripture verse is from One Corinthians (right next to the slightly-more-famous Two Corinthians). It’s a little hard to make out in the picture, but the verse is I Corinthians 1:27
But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.
Folks: This isn’t a scripture about a political candidate.
It. Is. Not.
It’s about the people of God and the wisdom of God, which seems foolish to the world.
It’s not a political slogan. Please don’t let this become a thing. If you must be a Christian for Trump, at least TAKE OFF THIS SHIRT! (And replace it with another one, preferably one that confines its absurdity to politics only).
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